Best way to protect a new fence from weather before it can be stained


I just installed a new fence and now it's supposed to rain every day for 10 straight days. Woohoo!!

The stain guys can't come out for 5 weeks. And the fence is not supposed to be stained for at least 2 weeks. Right now my poor expensive new fence is soaking up rain water. I'm worried these downpours are going to destroy my new fence.

Is there anything I can do to protect my fence from getting destroyed in the meantime?

Fence Notes:

8ft cedar, board on board
Has a top cap, double trim, and washer head screws
126 linear feet of unstained fence.

Best Answer

Cedar does not need to be stained, if you don't mind it weathering to gray; that's part of the point of using cedar.

Or you can stain it after it has dried out a bit.

No rush.