Mounting – Best Way to Remove TV Projector Mount to Access Air Filter


I bought a place that has a TV projector mounted to the ceiling. However, the mount is sort of a Y bracket that blocks the air filter from being removed and cleaned. I tried using a 3mm and a 4mm allen wrench on the screws in the Y but neither worked.

Assuming I get a 3.5 mm allen wrench and it fits, is this still the best way to do this?

It seems like I'm going to have to hold the projector the entire time or else I'm going to have the entire thing hanging by 1 screw.

The air filter looks like it needs about an inch of clearance. It comes straight up towards the ceiling, you can't pull it out horizontally at all.

air filter right in front, can see Y bracket blocking back corners




Best Answer

A couple ideas:

  1. Reverse the mount. It looks like the arms differ from one side to the other.

  2. Install some plastic or metal bushings between the mounting arms and the projector to give clearance. This depends on available headroom, of course, but may only need to be 1/2" or a bit more.

  3. Trim the ends off the mount arms short of the filter cover using a rotary tool or hacksaw. Use a suitable spacer and bolt to re-secure the bars at the end of each arm through holes you'd drill. This is important to keep the bars from spreading and losing the mounting bolts.

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