Board on top of computer desk drawers blocking 2 cam locks because incorrectly installed upside down. Smashing and removing board cause instability


I am disassembling a computer desk for a move.

enter image description here

I think that removing the cam locks would remove the top of the desk.

The problem is that there's a board on top of the drawers that is blocking 2 cam locks because the board was incorrectly installed upside down a long time ago.

enter image description here

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The board should look like this (tower side):

enter image description here

enter image description here

If I can’t figure out how to continue, will smashing and removing the board on the right side cause instability in my desk?

Best Answer

Just rotating the cam locks should allow you to remove the top, they don't have to be pulled out to release the cam-lock post on the top.. You could use a thin slotted screwdriver to rotate them even though they are blocked from removal. Then take off the top and when you put it back together make sure you do not make the same mistake.