Breaker sending power to lights but 3 outlets wont work


Our breaker flips often, and today the power shut our tv and window a/c off. I went to go flip the breaker but only the lights came on. I checked it again and again and still nothing. Only power to our lights. 3 out of 4 outlets in our living room are not working.

Best Answer

The circuit is overloaded, what you will probably find at the last working outlet or first non working outlet the back stabs have failed occasionally a broken wire or a wire nut but the failed backstab is quite common. Do AC units have to be on a dedicated circuit? It depends on the size of the AC and the circuit (15 or 20 amp). I would not put a TV on the same circuit as any electronic equipment because the compressor and blower motors create voltage spikes that can damage the tv , computers, audio equipment, I haven't had problems with lighting in the past but with LED's becoming more popular their driver circuitry can also be damaged I find drivers to be the failed component in most LED's I have repaired. Your issue came from overloading so it would be best to add a new branch circuit to power the AC unit.