Building Patio – Pavers against siding solution


I used crushed gravel as a base for patio. I'd like the patio to get as close as possible to the house but am realizing that it may not be good to put the pavers right up against the siding.

The gravel is about now 3-4 inches "up" the siding as you can see in pictures.

Should I dig out the stones I put down against the house? Maybe just keep the patio 1/2 foot away from the house?

Ideas?enter image description here

Best Answer

I ended up digging out the stones for about a foot away from siding.

I poured a concrete "curb", making the curb form out of 1x6x8's in front of the siding about 8 inches above the ground and extending 18 inches into the ground.

Then I laid the pavers on top of the crush and run base, with sand on top to make everything level. Looks great. Laying your pavers up against the siding looks bad. Worked great.

Also in the picture above you can't see the new sideing. I just left the old siding on. After I poured the curb and laid the pavers I put some new siding on (right over top of the old) the siding goes right down to an inch above the curb. Perfect.