Buying Land and tree cleaning


I want to buy land in the Alameda County in California. The land I saw on the market has lots of trees. I am not looking for big development but just a small parcel <.5 acre for a single family house.
– What are the general procedure for tree cleaning?
– Does contractor also do tree cleaning?
– What else should I keep an eye out other than zoning?


Best Answer

1- Cut them down & haul the corpses away. But, the Governing Body may limit how much you can clear & your Architect or Builder will have other requirements.

2- Yes, the Contractor is there to do whatever it takes to get your money, he'll Sub-Contract the tree removal out to an experienced guy or firm.

3- Electricity, Septic System, Heating Oil or Gas (if not electric), 911 Service, Fire Dept. access or abilities & thereby Insurance Costs, Environmental Impact Control Costs, Water Retention & Driveway Path...meaning, will it be easy for many vehicles to park or big long trucks to deliver materials or will costs & problems arise from difficult access.