Can <1% asbestos vermiculite be removed yourself


As the title says, I'm looking to remove vermiculite from an attic that's been tested as having less than 1% asbestos.

The rest of the house has been tested and contains no asbestos. It's just in the attic. I understand that in most places, <1% would mean it's technically not an Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) and could be removed by a layperson. However, here in BC, vermiculite specifically is considered an ACM no matter what.

It being considered an ACM in BC but nowhere else isn't relevant per se, since it's legal for a layperson to remove most ACM in BC. However, I want to remove it so I'm not affecting resale value.

Can this be done yourself with adequate PPE and a 0.3 micron vacuum, since the concentration is so low? Or should I fork out for professional removal. Since I'll be saving ~$18,000 by doing it myself, I want to be damn sure there's a legitimate risk and not just a knee-jerk reaction to the word asbestos.


Best Answer

Yes. You can remove it yourself.

You are over thinking this. Doing a one-time removal job is not going to hurt you. Wear a respirator and shower/wash clothes right after doing the job.

Asbestos exposure is only something you need to worry about if you're going to be doing it every day for a career.