Can a roof A/C be installed on a concrete slab on the floor without being on a mounting


An A/C company came out and replaced my A/C with a new unit a few years ago. I've had A LOT of problems with it freezing since then. I noticed a lot of mold on the bottom of the unit itself and it seems as if it is not draining properly, there is constantly a huge puddle of water- so much so that it has actually made a hole in the driveway. (The ducks come and hang out by it because of the water!)

I called the company and they're telling me it's all fine, that the mold is because the duct work is leaking cold air- but the duct work is behind the are where the mold is. Some pictures:

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Best Answer

A roof unit usually has more air flow around them so they dry out easier. The moisture is Norman and part of how air conditioners work, outdoor units are almost always drained on the ground. It is possible your unit needs to be washed down, dust builds up in the coils and turns into mud in the drip pan and can cause more issues but other than a good wash down your company is correct this is normal. If you decide to wash the coil and pan make sure to use low pressure water flow , I have replaced several outside units that home owners have destroyed using a pressure washer. No harsh chemicals if it needs chemical cleaning use a non acid cleaner, simple green is a good home owner option, I use a product made by my-Calvin called nu-bright, it is a non acid foaming coil cleaner that pushes the dirt out of the coils, after a treatment or 2 a clear water rinse has the system running better, also make sure to clean the drip pan it could be full of dirt, again clear water will work, I clean type unit every spring prior to the cooling season for best performance, as for water be happy you are making some, this says your coils are getting cold and taking the moisture out of the air. If your system was not making water it would not be cooling.