Can an electronic ballast be used for a G23 lamp


I have a Rayton R3 UVB lamp for phototherapy. It consists of a this PL-S 9W/01/2P bulb with a G23 base, and the ballast is magnetic 120v/60hz.

I would like to swap the ballast for a 240v/50hz ballast, and all I've found is a universal electronic ballast (here) but Wikipedia and others say that two pin lamps are designed for conventional (magnetic) ballasts. Does that mean that an electronic ballast should not be used? Can you tell me if the linked ballast is compatible?

Best Answer

The given phototherapy tube is a glow start tube with filaments. The glow starter is built into the base. Glow start tubes are usually driven with conventional magnetic ballasts. There might be also electronic ballasts for 2 pin tubes with built in glow starters, but usually electronic ballasts need access to all 4 pins of the tube.

The given listing for "universal electronic ballast" is lacking in details (input voltage/frequency ranges, tube current etc.) to give any recommendation for it's suitability.

I'd recommend replacing the existing ballast with an European model. For example: or or any other magnetic ballast with correct frequency, voltage and lamp power. Also when converting the wires might need also upgrading for the higher mains voltage. Consult a local lamp repair shop for advice.

Added, since unable to comment:
Suitable search terms to try on your favorite online platform: "magnetic ballast 9w" "Helvar L11D" "pl-s ballast".