Can drip edge be affixed using adhesive


I need to replace my drip edge on a low pitch modified bitumen roof. The edge is about 13' long and I had to rip the old one cause it was deformed and not working right. Under it is a sheet of what looks like bitumen sheeting and under that 1x lumber (for roof sheathing before plywood) quite old and not always holding fasteners well cause of decay. I could try to drill pilot holes in both the flashing and roof but in case that doesn't hold too well, can I just glue it using something like Liquid Nails? The drip edge should be 3"x3"x13'.

Best Answer

I found this on a site referencing common roofing mistakes. It confirms that the flashing can be held in place by adhesives.

  1. Neglecting to install drip edge flashing at the eaves

The missing of drip edge flashings can cause several problems at the bottom of a roof, because these flashings serve a number of purposes: Drip edge flashings keep insects out of the attic. They prevent wind-driven rain from entering under the edge of the roof. They provide a “drip point” for water to drip off from the roof which helps prevent soffit or fascia rot. They keep shingles from “sagging” as they extend past the edge of the roof.


If necessary, pop up roofing nails from the shingles and slide in a metal flashing. Glue the flashing and shingles with bituminous mastic.