Can I bond a ground wire to a junction box that is using metal conduit for ground


I'm trying to clean up a situation where there's originally rigid metal conduit and no ground wires from the panel. Someone has added flexible metal conduit at several junction boxes down line that includes a ground wire in them. I'd hate to just leave unconnected ground wires floating in each of these boxes and want to confirm that I can attach them to the metal j boxes without running a new wire all the way back to the main panel (assuming that the conduit is making a good ground).

I found this one question here that might include the answer but I'm not quite sure it's the same scenario. Apologies if that makes this a duplicate.

No Ground Wires – Can I connect a wire to the metal box for ground?

Edit: this is in Florida, US. Commercial building.

Best Answer

Not only can you, code requires it if the length of FMC is more than 6 feet. Those ground wires should be connected together and then connected to their junction boxes. you do not need to run a ground wire all the way to the panel. I've seen and corrected many cases where the installer assumed the FMC was an approved ground no matter what the length... not true.