Can interconnected smoke detectors be wired as spokes from an attic junction box


Suppose 3 interconnected smoke detectors on first floor. Standard wiring would run 14/2 to first, then 14/3 (with red wire for interconnecting) to second, then 14/3 to third. My question is whether this alternative wiring would be acceptable, especially considering all smoke detectors should alarm when any detects smoke.

Alternative wiring: 14/2 runs from breaker to a single junction box in the attic. Then three cables (14/3) run to each smoke detector from the junction box. All white wires would be connected in the junction box; same for black wires; same for red wires.

Best Answer

For typical interconnected smoke alarms, this is fine

For the typical hardwired interconnections found on North American smoke alarms, this is alright -- they don't care about the topology of the wiring, only that the interconnect wire connects the smoke detectors together.