Can this joist support be replaced with plywood


The attic above my garage has several of these horizontal support beams across the ceiling joists, I assume to keep them from bowing. I’d like to put down plywood across the whole floor without these because they’re a tripping hazard.

support beams



Are these supporting pieces necessary? Can they be replaced by plywood and still keep the joists from bowing?

Just to clarify, I’m not referring to the beams holding up the roof, just the non-load-bearing ones.

Best Answer

They seem to be 2x8, spanded out to the max,with strong backs added to help the frame.Witch is fine for a ceiling joist,to only handle ceiling load. Now you take the strong backs off weaken ceiling joist frame. Want to add plywood more weight.and you make them floor joist,if any load or a room is added due to span you may be under sized. If 2x10 and short span maybe fine .2x12 16 inches on center ,I would say your fine. After finding out you have a 20 foot span .2x12 24 on center changes things they are spanded out to the max.and strong backs added to help them . Adding plywood and taking out strong back not a good idea. Not a good spot to store stuff.