Capping off a single (large) wire


I have a five-conductor 2 AWG cable (three phases, neutral, and ground) connected into a 22.5 kVA (i.e., very big and dangerous) power supply. This is being used for research relating to ground faults, so the points at which the system is grounded are carefully controlled, and the ground wire is not connected to the power supply, though it does need to be present (even if it didn't, it's a five-conductor cable and we can't exactly pull one of the conductors out without unreasonable force that would risk damaging the other conductors).

So the question is this: how can I safely terminate this single 2 AWG wire in a manner that keeps it well-insulated from the power supply chassis? I was thinking of using a wire nut to just cap off the single wire, but there don't seem to be any designed to take a 2 AWG wire. Is there a keyword I can use to search for these?

Edit: also of note is that this is a ground wire and will be at ground potential, it just can't be connected to ground here. The other cables at the power supply output are carrying no more than 600 V (actually, the power supply might only go up to 500 V) so there's no high voltage that risks multi-centimeter arcs or corona discharge or anything.

Best Answer

Here is one possibility- "cold shrink" silicone insulator. Check the voltage rating for whatever type you are looking at.

You pull on the end of the coiled plastic and it unravels, leaving the silicone cap to shrink onto the end of the wire.

![enter image description here