Ceiling – bore a 4inch hole through the ceiling joists


I need to install a bathroom ceiling fan for a new bathroom I'm adding to my house. The only issue is that the floor joists are running perpendicular to where I need to run the 4'' aluminum duct pipe.

My question is do I just bore a 4'' hole through the joists?

Based on this answer from StackOverflow and this one it seems I can bore a hole 1/3 the depth of my joists (which are 11'') as long it's a joist (and not a beam) and the hole is no closer than 2inch from each edge… is that correct?

Thanks in advance!

Follow-up Note: This room is on the first floor, and there is a room above it (so venting through the attic isn't a possibility – as far as I know)


Best Answer

Looks like you have your specs and they don’t allow it. But no I would never drill that big a hole in joists. It’s common to do so on rim joists however as they are supported underneath by the foundation.

For any vent the best choice is to have it as direct and short as possible with as few as corners as possible. The best choice is usually through straight up through the roof.

I have seen some interesting choice for exhaust pipe too. Try to avoid flex hose as that limits air flow.