Ceiling – Creating the own coffered ceilings, whats the best material to use for the frame


SO I am creating my own coffered ceilings by creating a grid which I will attach to the ceiling. Then I will nail/glue crown moldings onto this grid to create my coffered ceilings. Now I've made a mockup of my grid for testing purposes using MDF and it all seems nice and stable.

Ive never done anything like this before so Im wondering if Im making a horrible mistake and these ceilings will begin to breakdown having used MDF, or if I should use something else?

I chose MDF because it seems relativly light in weight which seemed like a good idea since I am nailing these up to the ceiling

Thank you!

Best Answer

I would think MDF would hold up fine in a dry climate controlled space. The length of the pieces and method of attachment to the ceiling will affect long-term tendency to sag.

I would try to keep the frame lengths relatively short and employ a robust attachment method (nails into joists along with construction adhesive?)