Ceiling – How to do about mold until the leak feeding it gets fixed


About three weeks ago I noticed a leak on the ceiling of my studio apartment. When it began it was just a leak, a few days later it began to get dark-stained all around it and now it's covered in a black thing that I suppose is some kind of mould. I reported this to my landlord as soon as it began bit I still have one more week to wait until someone comes to fix it.

It looks so disgusting, it's on the kitchen area and I would like to know what to do until it gets fixed, is there anything I can do?

Today I took this cardboard box and put it over the leak to cover it. I fixed it to the ceiling around the stain of mould with a bit of sellotape. Now at least I don't see it but I don't know if maybe this is going to make things worse.

Best Answer

If the wet area dries out faster than the leak, the mold will not grow. Drill a hole to drain the water quicker. Set up a fan to blow air over the area to dry it. Don't cover it, that will just keep it wetter and accelerate the mold.