Ceiling – How to hang load from ceiling I-beam joists behind drywall


I'm looking to attach rock rings to my garage ceiling. I've found similar posts, but in each one, they have a seemingly critical difference from my setup:

  • I don't have access to above the joist because my living room is above my garage (here).
  • I have I-beams, not 2x8s (here, and seemingly here).
  • I have drywall covering my I-beams (here) but would prefer to leave it.

I do like bcworkz's answer but I'm not sure if this is something I can do with I-beams. I would think that lag bolting along an I-beam would be bad due to its thin profile. Perhaps this concept could be adapted with opposing angled bolts to better catch the beam?

Are there other options/variants for attaching to I-beams behind drywall?

Best Answer

If you don't mind the look, I'd suggest a 2x6 run perpendicular to your joists. Ideally, you'd get 3 joists (so a 2x6 slightly longer than 4', assuming you've got 16" spacing) with at least 2 good 3.5" #10 screws each. (Since these are pretty big screws, you'll want to drill pilot and clearance holes.) To attach the rock rings, use 6/7mm -ish cord through holes you've drilled in the 2x6. (If you don't want to dent the drywall, just chisel a small channel across the top of the holes.)