Ceiling – I have an old light fixture in the bathroom with no visible screws; how to remove it from the ceiling


enter image description hereenter image description hereI'd like to replace an old, rusted light fixture on the bathroom ceiling. Unfortunately, I have no idea how it's actually held up to the ceiling. There are no screws on the sides, but there are holes. When I put my finger in to feel for a screw, it seems to only be insulation. I read that it may be spring-loaded? The whole thing does move; I can spin it counter-clockwise and clockwise, but I'm afraid to keep spinning. Is this how it comes down? Any tips are appreciated! enter image description here

Best Answer

The nut in the center on the hollow shaft is the way the fixture is held in place that is called a hickey, yes there are multiple terms in electrical language the other electrical hickey is a pipe bender.