Ceiling – Is this mold growing on the shower ceiling


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Is this dark stuff above my shower mold? If so, how should I go about removing it? I live in an apartment, so I doubt I could go on with scraping it off and the like without upsetting maintenance, not to mention upsetting the people living above me with the noise of scraping the ceiling.

Best Answer

I doubt that scraping paint of the celling would upset anyone, unless someone has hearing devices on your celling :) I suggest that you scrap it off, clean the surface with bleach or something like that and then repaint it. But the real question is what is causing this mold? My first guess is that you are not ventilating, or not ventilating bathroom enough and this is causing humidity, leading to mold. If paint on the wall is washable, maybe you can go without scraping, just with bleaching and venting.