Ceiling – Need 12′ ladder on second floor but staircase is too tight


I have a fan on a high ceiling (maybe 16 feet high) that I want to replace. I need at least 12 foot type A ladder but it needs to fold because I have to take it up some tight stairs and corners to get it to the master bedroom.

I tried rending a fixed step ladder from home depot – it weighted a ton and it was so long I couldn't get in in the room.

The telescoping ladders all seem to be 9' tall and I don't want to pay $$$ for a ladder I'll only use once.

Any ideas how to get to that fan?

Best Answer

I'd look at renting a tall-ish scaffold set - something like: enter image description here When I'm standing that far off the floor in the middle of a room and wanting to be able to use both of my hands (as I would do when replacing a ceiling fan), I'd like a wide, firm base to stand on.
As long as you can get the individual pieces into the room you want to use it, you assemble it there.

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