Ceiling – Remove silicone stain from ceiling


I made a mistake and ended up with a very light coat of cured silicone spread in the ceiling. So looking at an angle, this ceiling area is shining.

I can't just scrap it off because it very thin and feels like stuck in the porous painted ceiling.

What would be the best way to fix this:

  • painting over it is an option? maybe not, the new paint might not adhere to silicone.
  • using a sandpaper to try to scrap?
  • using vinegar (I heard it helps loose the cured silicone).
  • using alcohol?

It's a small area so ideally I don't want to buy a whole bottle of solvent. However if it's the only solution I'd do it, I just don't know which solvent to use. Will it be necessary to repaint later?


Best Answer

I think that painting over the silicone is out just because it's a different surface to begin with. Assuming you had a paint that would stick to it long-term, the paint in that spot will always have a different sheen.

Removal is the best option, and it may be a matter of trying options to see what will work best and damage the ceiling the least. Chemicals that soften the silicone can make the job easier, but I think they would seep into the drywall and create similar issues for painting.

You say you are worried about scraping, but I think it may be a better option even if it means patching the area with spackling or similar if you gouge the drywall. I would try very rough sand paper (below 80 grit, then maybe a brass wire brush, then a sharp scraper.

I admit that I have never tried to remove exactly what you are dealing with, so take this as one man's opinion.