Ceiling – Replacing ceiling fan bracket


I'm replacing an old ceiling fan. The old one wobbled a lot even after tightening the blades and trying to balance it. Right now the electrical box is just a plastic one that appears to be screwed into the ceiling joist. Will replacing the box with a brace like this one help with the wobbling?

Here is a picture of what the old fan was attached to. I haven't taken off the old fan bracket yet.

I'm not sure what happened to the ceiling where the fan touched it. It looks like it melted or they installed the fan when the paint was still wet.

enter image description here


So when I took the metal piece off the electrical box fell down. Looks like there is already a brace there.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

Assuming that this box isn't tied directly to a joist, then yes, a replacement bracket like you've shown could help. Either way, you should take off the shiny bracket and confirm how this box is mounted, and check if it is sturdy or not.

However, most "wobbles" are caused by blade imbalances, not from the mounting box. The faster they run, the more susceptible they are to wobbling. They do have balancing kits for sale at local places usually. They use peel and stick weights, and a slide-on clip, to help figure out where the peel-and-stick weights go on (on the side towards the ceiling of course.)

The paint "melting" look is from a previous fan being in place, and years of repainting around it got it stuck to the old escutcheon/cover plate....