Ceiling – Should I suspend a shelf from the ceiling


I have recently installed a new projector onto my back wall in my lounge.
See attached photo.

The problem I am having is weight – the main big board you can see in the picture is screwed into a window frame. Then as you can see I have created a shelf, and then projector hangs from that shelf. What is happening is that there is too much weight on the end of the shelf, which is making the shelf drop. My idea is to somehow attached a couple of strong wires to the shelf that is attached to the projector, and have those wires attach to the ceiling.

Ideally I would like to be able to turn some sort of adjustment that tightens the wire, just so I can get the perfect support.

Is this a good idea?

enter image description here

Best Answer

You COULD do that, [the adjusters-things you want are called turnbuckles] but it might be a lot simpler (no holes in the ceiling) to use better and larger shelf brackets. Better, in having a brace that makes them a triangle. Larger, making a larger, more stable triangle. A pair of good heavy duty brackets in a large size will make a shelf that you can sit on and not deflect - much less a measly projector. I had a clothes dryer mounted on this sort of bracket for years.

Braced shelf bracket