Ceiling – the sheet metal behind the drywall in the condo ceiling


I'm trying to install a new ceiling fan in my condo. I've cut a whole in the drywall to find a broad metal sheets are in my ceiling. I would appreciate help in figuring out what this is and if I can screw the fan fixture into it.

Here's a picture .At the bottom of the picture is a ~1 inch tall I beam. Above that is a broad flat metal sheet with recessed strips perpendicular to the I beam. It looks like the sheet is several feet wide before another recessed strip on the other side. There appear to be several of them running in parallel along the width of my condoceiling. Also, when I knock on them, they don't sound hollow (but I could be wrong about that).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The drywall does appear to be screwed to the raised channels such as can be seen at the bottom of the hole.

Jim is correct that this is a structure for supporting a concrete floor, which reduces vibration and noise in apartments. You're going to need to figure out how to run wiring to your fan, and you'll need a surface-mount box of some sort.