Ceiling – What sort of ceiling fan support do I need where I can’t find framing


As I have already worked on 4 out of 5 ceiling fans I have put up so far (previous question). Now I am going to put the last one up. I need your help on this one.

However, one of them I had a light fixuture hanging on the ceiling wall that looks like this:

enter image description here

So when I took this light fixture out and look at the ceiling wall to see what is inside and here is what I found:

enter image description here

The one I have look much like this which has slides:

enter image description here

But the problem is it is very wide and when I put my hand in the hold to find the nearest wood and there is no wood there.

My question here is do I need to replace with the different ceiling fan support box with brace kit I bought from Home Depot a few weeks ago ? This one is different than the one above and it is heavy.

enter image description here

Should I replace the old brace with the slides with the new one or should I just leave it and put it up?

Best Answer

Wanted everyone to know that we hired somebody and told us that it is not possible to put up the ceiling fan. We decided to return the light fixture back .