Combatting moisture in crawl space after venting window is sprayed with insulation


I had a crawl space (top left) in my house which had a 12"x6" venting window. There is a room above the crawl space, so I decided to spray the walls of the space with closed-cell foam insulation which also closed off the venting window. The room above the crawl space is now warm in the winter so I'm happy with the insulation.

However, in the summer months, the crawl space (and, as a result, the entire basement) has a big moisture and mold problem. To alleviate the issue, I cut a small hole in the insulation where the venting window used to be and put a small 12V fan in which I leave on at all times. This helped the moisture problem a great deal – I would say that about 75% of the smell is gone.

My question is: what is the best approach to solving the problem completely? A larger fan? Spraying the floor of the crawl space? Something else?

Many thanks in advance!

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Best Answer

The fan is the right idea, but it should probably be a stronger 120v unit. Look at bathroom fans and how they're rated for square footage. Some can be mounted in-wall and may fit your opening well.