Combining Air Conditioner with Air Purifier


I have a small 5th floor flat, with high ceilings. The sash windows, which are tall, face south. There is a very busy road underneath the windows. Two rooms have these windows.

It's noticeable that I start coughing as soon as I get into the flat. And my girlfriend starts sneezing and getting a blocked-up nose. Obviously from the traffic pollution from outside.

Spring is about to start and soon it's also going to get pretty hot and uncomfortable, since the windows make it like a greenhouse.

What would be the best solution to tackle both the pollution and heat, bearing in mind that it's a small flat, and I don't think I'm allowed to mount any kind of unit on the outside of the flat.

Is there a joint aircon & purifier that I can connect with a hose, which is reasonably quiet? I'm willing to spend a bit to get a nice air environment.

Room 1: 365 X 365 X 365cm, 12 X 12 X 12 feet

Room 2: 365 X 190 X 365cm, 12 X 6 X 12 feet

                     Pollution and Heat               

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Best Answer

My wife is asthmatic and has strong allergic reactions to dust, mold and dust mites, so we deal with this very condition.

There are some 'portable' air conditioners that draw air from inside the room and cool it, while also cooling the room by blowing the heated air outside. These come with rudimentary filters, but also have the added benefit of creating a slightly negative pressure environment which can help remove allergens.

Additionally, because they are actively condensing some moisture from the room, it will additionally remove some pollutants. I know this is true anecdotally as I have to infrequently clean the condensing coils and filter regularly and they are often dark and extremely soiled.

This unit sits on the floor, and uses a plastic shroud (that must be fitted) to seal the exhaust out the window.

I believe this fits most of your requirements. Although I did not notice it at the time we purchased ours, I believe there are some models available with HEPA type filters also.