Concrete – Approaches to level a concrete floor with shallow pipes


I have a situation very similar to How to level a section of raised concrete floor?. Except, in my case the obvious solution of grinding the high point is not possible.

In my hallway I have a raised area my wife asked me to investigate. I have removed flooring to uncover what looks like a retrofit of copper water pipes into the concrete slab, crossing the hallway. The pipes are set very shallow and the area matches cracks in the slab, representing a raised area (which, for illustration, we scale up and down when walking the length of the hall).

I have included a drawing which exaggerates the slope for the purpose of illustration. The slope from the high point is about 3mm in height at a meter's distance. The hallway overall has a remaining slope of about 1mm per meter, but it is consistent and not noticeable.

My first thought was "self leveling" until I measured how much elevation would be added to the various transition thresholds, and it would be adding up to 3cm of material to get the whole hall exactly level with the high point. What I am thinking now, is to add material with the goal of making the transition more gentle, so that the change is less psychologically noticeable. But I don't know what this technique would be called. I have indicated my idea in green. Whereas the self-leveling result in pink.

Illustration of the hallway with pipe retrofit/repair cross section

The flooring to be replaced is laminate flooring, running left-to-right in the diagram. The laminate flooring didn't have any trouble covering the bend; it is our feet that disagree with the wobbles.

Best Answer

Is your idea to level off the center only? I don't see that working out. The slope at the outsides would be even worse. I think you're assuming you normally walk right down the center of the hallway, but I don't think that's true; if two people pass in the hallway, or you're carrying a bag or something in one hand, you will go down one side or the other.

Is it possible there's an error in the question? If the slope is only 3mm per meter wouldn't it have to be a REALLY wide hallway to come to 3cm of rise from the outside to the center?