Concrete – Attaching a concrete coffee table top to reclaimed oak sleeper legs with a high moisture content


hopefully the heading is succint enough. I am about to cast a 44" by 21" gfc concrete coffee table top that will be 1 1/2" thick. I want to rest it onto some green (40% moisture) sleeper legs that are resting on their length at either end.

Whilst i appreciate the weight will reduce the table top moving i want to make sure that it cant slip too far.

I dont want to glue due to wood movement and the horrendous weight so was wondering if placing dowels within the concrete and and using a forstner bit of a larger diameter in the wood would suffice and allow for any potential wood movement. I was also thinking of pushing the legs a few mm into the concrete for the first half hour of the cure to create an impression.

The table will be used inside and i am located in the UK where we have a reasonably high atmospheric moisture content although the central heating will be kicking in soon.

Any alternatives would be very much appreciated, many thanks!

Best Answer

Why not bolt on some brackets? At 1 1/2" thick dfrc you can drill the piece and screw some brackets on with concrete screws. Your probably better off putting the wood in the house for a week or two to lose some of the moisture before assembly.