Concrete – Can pressure treated wood be buried in concrete


I was planning a relatively simple, 6x8ft "2-post" pavilion, just a small structure to provide protection to a small bench.

This design would require to bury the wood into the concrete several feet. Is it OK to bury wood in concrete this way? How to avoid getting water in it so it does not rot? Or is there an alternative that is considered better?

Best Answer

"Pressure treated wood" isn't one thing. It's many things. Some is rated for ground contact or below grade use. Most isn't. You'd need lumber that is.

You won't keep it from getting wet underground, but you can keep it from being constantly saturated by giving the concrete sleeve a drain at the bottom. One strategy is to set the post on gravel and just pour the concrete around the post, not under it. This only works if the surrounding soil drains well also, though.