Concrete – Can Half-Dried Concrete Be Refreshed by Mixing in Water?


I mixed a wheelbarrow load of concrete (sand, cement, water) this morning, but before I could use most of it, I got called away and didn't get back until this evening, like 7-8 hours later. By now the concrete is half set – very stiff and dry and has to be almost scraped out so it can't really be used.

But I find if I add a little water and mix, it's back to the same consistency as when I first mixed it this morning. This saves a bit of work and cement / sand.

My question is, is it any good at this stage (being used for laying patio slabs) or I should I just dump it and mix a new batch?

Best Answer

Depends on what it will be used for as the reaction has already started. If it is for fence posts it will be fine, if it is for a smooth drive then not.