Concrete – Cracks on second-story cement slab


I just purchased a 50-year-old condo. I pulled up the carpet and found the second floor to be a concrete slab. There are thin cracks in areas and a small pit in one area. What are my options for resolving/minimizing cracking.

  1. Rhino Crack Locks
  2. Tear it all out and start over, my least desirable option
  3. Just fill in the cracks and leave it.

There are no cracks in the walls etc., it's not a foundation issue.

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Best Answer

Repeating Answers from previous question but now revised. Answer to your revised question.

I would go with option (3) fill in the cracks

If repairs/sealing of the cracks is to be done, I would go with two types of products, liquid/self leveling for the thinner-fine cracks and a heavier product for the larger cracks. For the liquid, look at products similar to Dap 37584 product and for the larger cracks, Dap Ready-Mixed Patch.