Concrete – Deer skinning pole design


I would like to build a deer skinning pole, about 8 ft tall. Here is my simple design:

enter image description here

My questions are:

  1. How deep should I set the pressure treated 4×4 in the concrete base to be able to safely support approx. 200 lb load ?
  2. Which diameter cylindrical form should I use for the concrete base? Is 12" sufficient or should I go bigger?

Best Answer

This is not a great design.

The exact weight of concrete required to keep this from tipping over depends on how far out the load is suspended. If we assume you are hanging the load 24” from the post (18” from the edge of the concrete) you will need about 3X the weight of the load: 600 lbs of concrete. In a 12” diameter cylinder you would need the concrete to be more than 5 feet tall (assuming your concrete weighs 150 lbs/cu-ft). If you went up to a 24” diameter base the situation is a lot better because you have more concrete and more leverage, but I am not sure if the post would really be stable in such a large block of concrete without reinforcement.

There is also the issue of the serious amount of bending you are putting on a 4x4. This is not an axial load.

I would recommend another design. Either put supports on both sides (like a swing set) or stabilize the post with guy-wires into the ground.