Concrete – Demolishing large concrete patio slabs


My new (1950s) house has large — e.g., one is 3.5 feet by 8.5 feet by 5 inches — concrete slabs in our back yard. I'd like to remove them but don't know which tool(s) to use. Could this be done with a sledgehammer (in, say, an afternoon), or do I need a breaker hammer or the like?

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Best Answer

What you have is a concrete slab not a block. Semantics. I would rent a jackhammer, breaking that thing up with a sledgehammer will be a arduous task. You may also need an angle grinder with a metal cut off wheel to cut the metal lath or rebar reinforcement’s that should be inside the slab. You will want to break it down into small enough pieces to lift and handle in order to make the disposal job easier.