Concrete – do about this deteriorating staircase


The side entrance stairs to my home are deteriorating. They appear to be several different patches, coats and possibly capped concrete.

I have a temporary fix lined up to make it safe for travel. My question is: Other than demolition and replacement could I build a stair structure that could be built over what I fear is essentially beyond repair.

Secondary motivation to avoid additional concrete work is, I live in New England and as such sand and salt are facts of life. The salt especially is hard on concrete.

Any creative alternatives?

Best Answer

Sure - many people build new wooden or "plastic-decking not-wooden" stairs over old, excessively steep concrete steps like that rather than rebuild the concrete ones, as much to make them more reasonable in rise/run and landing area as for fixing the basic steps.

In many ways it is easier if you demo the concrete ones first, (other than the concrete demo), since then you don't have to futz with supporting the pressure-treated wooden step framing on the old concrete steps. But plenty are done with the concrete steps still there below them.