Tile Removal – Easy Way to Remove Tile Concrete from Bathroom Wall


Are there an easy to to remove tile concrete from the wall?

Are there e.g. some way to get it off in whole pieces so cleaning up afterwards will be easier?

Here is a picture of the wall in question. The tile concrete is about 2cm thick.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Easy, no. It's a dirty, dusty, hard job.

I have used a 7 1/2inch circular saw fitted with a diamond blade. Shop vac, dust mask, fan in window (box fan fitted with furnace filter does wonders)

I set the depth of the cut to be just the thickness of the mortar and try to cut vertically along each stud. Depending on your helpers back strength, I'll cut horizontally at 2 to 3 foot intervals.

Pry each panel off (large crowbars or flatbars) usually its held together with a metal lath (wood in older homes, pre 1940s). Watch your toes, each piece will be 20-30 lbs.

PS leave the first row removed laying on the floor. It will absorb the fall of any dropped pieces... Nails holding the lath will act like hinges then let go at inopportune moments.