Concrete – Fix garage door sitting on asphalt driveway


My garage doors sit on the asphalt driveway when closed and I'm not sure why this is. In the photo I attached you can see the line/indentation in the asphalt where the door sits. I'm not sure if the house was built this way or a driveway job was done wrong.

I am thinking of using a diamond blade on a circular saw to cut back a few inches of asphalt and then fill the gap in with some kind of concrete. How should I tackle this?

I am aware of the drop from right to left as this area of the garage has sunk and I hope to repair it with a self-leveler in the future. Thanks!

indented driveway from garage door

Best Answer

You can cut it back and pour concrete.

A bag of asphalt cold patch would fix it cheaper, quicker and simpler, in keeping with the way it is presently done, by just building up the low corner.

The fact that the corner is now open implies that movement is continuing on the cracked slab from whenever the asphalt job was done this way (evidently to compensate for the cracked slab's movement up to that time.) As such, your proposed concrete repair may not last if the cracked slab is not done moving yet.