Concrete – Hanging ceiling hooks from concrete beams above drywall ceiling


I'm hoping to hang two aerial yoga hooks from the ceiling in my apartment (I'm on a middle floor in a ten-story building). I popped out a light fixture to take this picture, and I want to make sure I understand what I'm looking at:

A: Is the support beam holding up the floor above me — it feels like concrete to the touch.

B: There appear to be two thin boards attached to the bottom of the beam — what are these for?

C: Is a lightweight steel frame holding up the drywall of my ceiling

D: Is the drywall of my ceiling

E: Is another steel frame, holding up the ceiling framing

Am I correct in thinking that I'd need to mount the hooks into the concrete beams (A)?

I want the hooks to sit flush against the drywall ceiling and there's a gap of about 3 inches between the top of the drywall and the beam: Naively, I'm imagining drilling ~6-inch wedge anchors through the drywall and into the bottom of the beams.

Am I being an idiot and/or overlooking any complicating factors here?

enter image description here

Best Answer

You should not mount anything to the beam (A) by drilling in to it. Under load the bottom is under tension and the width of the hole reduces how much the beam can manage. Think of it as cutting a strand in a rope.

Theoretically you could saddle the beam with a strap, rope, chain, and cut out a section of sheet rock to allow for play, or have a brace made to provide a stiff point at ceiling level. This however is done at the expense of compromising the fire resistance of the beam and ceiling since you would be removing some fire barrier and adding a heat conducting medium saddled around a major structural component. A likely violation of your rental, lease, or association agreement in addition to your local building codes.

Consider having an assembly made that can be assembled below the ceiling. Something like either an A frame or a heavy gauged post mounted to a plate assembly. (Like much of the equipment at a gym)