Concrete – How to make the concrete countertop smoother


I think I used the wrong concrete mix. It had rocks in it so when I tried to get it level, but I really struggled.

I then went and bought some self leveling cement to try to balance everything out. It looks better but it is not flawless.

I whitewashed it to give it a white look because the white pigment didn't take.

My next step was to seal it with Valspar Wet seal.

My questions are:

  1. Will the sealant fill in the grooves to give a smooth leveled feel? Or Would Epoxy be better for the job?

  2. Looking at the pictures, what would you do to give this a professional touch, or make it as clean as possible?

ALT. option

Should I build up the edges with melamine board so that it becomes 2 – 2.5 inches, then pour more concrete on top?

I greatly appreciate your advice and feedback. Im trying to make this look right. My wife is nervous it wont look good, but Im confident it can turn out [right. Just need a little help.

Photo 1 | Photo 2

Best Answer

Instead of just using sealant, it sounds like the best approach is sanding/polishing.

Pour-in-place produces rough concrete, as you have discovered.

Begin with very coarse sandpaper then as it gets more smooth you can use ever-finer grit until you achieve the surface you intended.