Concrete – How to remove a parking block from the garage


So, builders have this thing, for some reason, of installing cement parking blocks a few feet in front of the hot water heater in the garage. I've lived at plenty of places without those and managed to not drive through the water heater into the wall. Maybe I'm just abnormal like that.. (I did check the code [USA – Florida] and didn't see any requirements for this block)

Anyway, this thing is in the garage. The garage is an enclosed, attached garage with a door that goes into the house. This parking block is in the way of a project I'd like to do.

I shined a light down the holes in the parking block and did not see any rebar stakes. I poured water down the holes where the rebar should be but it didn't drain out from under the block, so I imagine the thing is cemented or sealed to the floor.

The floor is concrete as well. How would I go about trying to remove this thing without damaging the garage floor under it? I thought maybe a sledge hammer and a hammer drill, but I don't know if this is a good idea. Maybe a saw? Maybe the attaching material can be dealt with another way? I don't know, but I figured I'd ask..

Best Answer

You can take a 2x4 lay it next to the stop, with the 2" side facing the ceiling. Take a sledge hammer and hit the 2x4 gently, to see if it will separate from the ground. You might have to try all sides of the stop to dislodge it. The possible reason the water isn't seeping out is it is going through the concrete slab to ground. Once the stop comes out you can fill any holes with patch.