Concrete – How to remove textured paint from the patio floor


My patio flooring has a paint-like texture on it that is chipping off. The base is concrete. I have tried scraping, but it's incredibly tedious to get up and is taking hours of work. Is there some sort of chemical or solution I can use to help the paint/texture lift easier?

Best Answer

You say "paint-like" texture. Are you sure it's paint?

If it's paint, any sort of chemical paint stripper should do the trick. There are quite a number of more "friendly" "citrus" or "orange" based paint strippers that don't have the smell and toxic concerns of paint strippers of the past.

I presume a patio is outdoors, so a pressure washer may do the trick. Aim the blast at the currently chipped edges to allow the water to get underneath them and lift. You may need to shoot the water almost horizontally for the more stubborn bits. Aiming at a fairly well covered area is unlikely to get a hole started. If you've got enough pressure to do that, though, you've got a non-zero chance of actually damaging the concrete underneath, too, so turn down the pressure.

It's possible that you've got an epoxy coating instead of paint. I'm not certain if the "friendly" strippers will work on that, you'll probably have to get one that's specifically for epoxy coating. Also, the pressure washer may not work so well on epoxy - it tends to grip pretty well.

If you're not sure what you've got, try taking a few flakes (the bigger the better) to a local paint store to see if the can ID it for you and make a recommendation.