Concrete – How to replace laminate with polished concrete flooring


I'd like to investigate whether I can replace my first-level flooring – currently faux-wood laminate – with polished concrete. What do I need to know?

  • Is it even practical to put down polished concrete as 'old work'? How much margin around the edging is needed? i.e. Will I need to pull off the baseboards (or can I get away with just pulling up the trim over the hardwood edge), will kitchen cabinets need to be removed/replaced, etc.?
  • What are all the steps involved? Which, if any, are better done by a professional?
  • How to deal with the subfloor, and if the current subfloor is not suited, can it be modified to support concrete? I'm not yet 100% sure if there's a slab underneath.
  • Any other big questions I'm not asking?

Best Answer

The main problem you will have is thickness, thin concrete tends to crack. Your laminate flooring is all of 1/2 inches thick most likely, so the maximum your concrete floor could be is that much, and that's not enough. Other problems are:

  • unless you are pouring on slab the flexing of your floor will cause the concrete to crack
  • unless you are pouring on slab the concrete will drop between the floorboards
  • unless you are pouring on slab the floor will probably not be designed to take the weight and could lead to structural problems
  • Creating polished concrete requires special materials and repeated sanding with ever finer diamond wheels, equipment which would be very expensive even to rent, presuming you can rent it

I'm not saying it's impossible, if you're on slab you might be ok, but if it were me I'd be considering a cool looking tile rather than polished concrete.