Concrete – How to use to fill drilled concrete holes that are not used anymore


Just wanted to do some home repairs and found lots of old drilled holes.

I've used putty to cover them up but it occurred to me that there would be air gaps for the holes as the putty cover over them only.

I went searching around online and there has been no definite answer.

I've saw selleys no more gap and was wondering if it was a good choice to push this sealant into the concrete or perhaps those adhesives sold in a caulking gun would be a good choice.

I am afraid that next time i'll re-drill the holes at the same place and it would crumble.

I've saw this question but from where I am, they do not sell them.

Best Answer

Hydraulic cement would be a reasonable choice for patching small holes in concrete - since that's what it's made for. Be sure to wet the hole first, then pack in the cement and level it off.