Concrete – Is it a problem to leave a sprinkler line through concrete shed footing


I'm in the process of getting an attached shed built in my house (due to HOA restrictions). They seem to be very competent. The contractor is subcontracting the concrete foundation pouring.

They have just dug the footing, pre-pour. I have noticed that a water line for the sprinkler system is going to go right through two sides of it and skim the front wall. I have asked about it and they said it should be fine running through the foundation.

I'm not terribly worried about the foundation itself from this. But it seems like it might be a concern from a servicing perspective, not moving the line. They will be redirecting the sump line though.

Does this sound right to you guys? Just want to double check.

Here is what it currently looks like:
enter image description here

Best Answer

People put flexible pipes inside concrete all the time (this is how heated floors are made)

you should space it away from the floor and trench mesh so that it does not become a conduit for moisture (from the soil) and oxygen to attack the reinforcing steel

If you have more of that line and some elbows now would be a good time to move it. But if you're feeling lazy it doesn't look particularly hard to replace the under-slab section with an external loop at a later date. if needed.