Concrete – Is it possible to patch concrete stairs


At my church, there is an old set of stairs made of concrete. They've begun to crumble on the top to the point where the treads are no longer flat and smooth.

I've not seen any material that has fallen off of the stairs so I can't tell you if it's flaking or crumbling off. (And I'm not sure if it makes a difference or if there is a difference.)

Is it possible to patch these concrete stairs or would the new concrete not bond well to the old? If so, can I just use some 2x10s and quickrete?

Up to this point, I've just ignored it since it would be far worse to have a giant chunk of concrete fall off (from a bad patch) than to leave it as is.

Best Answer

You can't just slap down new concrete. It will never bond. Some options:

1) They make bonding agents for this. Not sure how well they work.

2) vinyl patching compound. Probably your best bet for damages stairs. Not as good as new concrete, but might hold you over for a while.

3) Epoxy. probably the best for small repairs. I use it quite a bit for small cracks and pits.

Without seeing pictures, I'm guessing #2 is maybe what you want to try first.