Concrete – Is the proposed solution to this masonry project okay


We will going to build long interior, round(little bit) shaped staircase (similar to this)STAIRCASE from concrete, and I needed to get instructions
with physics that it will possible to make it without any middle pillar that 12ft long staircase. So because of that We suppose
to burrow the ground and concrete the base about 2-3ft tall where stair going to start.

I do not have particularly deep knowledge about staircase masonary. After a consulting mason, that he doesn't have a good
alternative. If those solutions aren't reasonable, is there anything we can do that without making middle pillar??
How can we convince him??

Best Answer

If you had an professional engineer design the whole unit as an assembly it may be possible to have the railings and metal concrete reinforcing members in the steps and risers work as a trussed span structure that was only supported at the bottom step and at the top step.

This is definitely not a project for any local neighborhood handyman, general masonry contractor or DIY type work. Also do not expect this type of project to be low cost.