Concrete – Materials for building inexpensive light-weight large planter


I've wanted to build a few large planters for a while now, and I've considered using concrete, wood, etc. I don't know what other cheap material to use.

Initially, I wanted to make them out of pre-mixed concrete, but realized that a square 24" concrete planter would just be too much weight for my rooftop. Each paver would be minimum 60-lbs each, so that's 300 pounds for one planter. Four planters would easily be over 1,000 pounds.

I then considered using wood, but untreated wood would rot and treated wood would poison the plant. So that's also out of the question.

So my question: for someone like myself with very extremely limited DIY skills and tools, how do you recommend I build a lightweight large planter?

I would like to try and build it because the cheapest 24" x 24" plastic planter is $35, and they're very ugly.

Best Answer

Animal watering troughs make for low cost and easily implemented "instant" planters that are (or start out) light weight for the strength they provide. You can cut down on the weight of the soil by putting in a layer of crumpled soda cans or plastic water bottles in the bottom. I like the looks of the plain galvanized metal ones, but you can paint them if you don't, or there are plastic versions that come in colors.

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