Concrete – Running irrigation pipes under a large concrete pad


I'm planning on redoing the irrigation system in the back yard and considering extending it to cover the front yard as well. My only problem, the house is completely surrounded by a concrete patio. My best run would be from the rear beds to the front beds under about 30' of concrete. But the front beds are only 2 feet wide, so the target is pretty small.

Is it even possible to bore that distance under the concrete and get it in the front bed? Both beds are in a line and 2 feet deep. The soil is loamy with with no rocks. My method of attempting to do this would be with a water hose attached to the pipe i'm sending under the concrete. If it is not possible to hit the target with pvc pipe, would galvanized fair better?

Best Answer

I am not saying there is no way you can do this, but there is basically no way. It would not be worth the time or effort and quite possibly you could spend a lot of time and effort and accomplish nothing. Going across a double driveway from experience is super iffy and you are adding at least another 10 feet. I don't see how you are going to keep adequate pressure for 30 feet and I don't see how you are going to keep it from veering up or down (if it goes up you could get stuck and compromise the stability of the pad and if it goes down you might never find it).

I would rather dig 100 feet out and back then do this. There has to be a better alternative. Another would be going through the house or picking an area where the pad could be busted up. I know this is a long comment but could answer better with pictures.