Concrete – Self leveling underlayment – should I tile first


I need to level the base of a shower and the plan is to pour self leveling underlayment.

The initial plan to shim the shower explains why I removed some tiles. I've moved on to plan B, which is the self leveling underlayment.

Essentially, should I tile before pouring the underlayment in hollow where the base is, or it doesn't matter? My guess is I should probably tile first as it would help to contain the underlayment (slopes away from wall opposite faucet, edge of cabinet shows it being off by 1/4"). However, this isn't my field of expertise.

Side note, plan A was to simply shim it, but then the base edge wasn't level and sloped inwards. I figured this wasn't optimal for when I would have to put the doors back on.

Shower Pic

Best Answer

personally i don't tile atop plywood. i'd pull the 3/8 then concrete backerboard would go down first over the subfloor. then i'd shim the shower. if the shower is heavy i might then give it a week to let it compress the wooden shims and re-test for level and re-shim if needed. then i'd tile. some people are less retentive than me though and that's okay too : )